Tag: Traffic Crimes and Offenses

  • Criminal Defense Charges for Non-U.S. Citizens

    Criminal Defense Charges for Non-U.S. Citizens

    We Understand its Consequences For U.S. citizens, facing serious criminal charges can be one of the most difficult and terrifying moments in their lives. But for non-U.S. citizens, it’s even worse. A person from another country may find themselves facing a legal system they don’t understand, that isn’t spoken or written in their native language.…

  • Defending Criminal Charges With Immigration Consequences

    Defending Criminal Charges With Immigration Consequences

    Being arrested is scary enough as a U.S. citizen. There are many unknown factors: your criminal charges could affect your employment and result in serious prison time. As a non-U.S. citizen, however, being arrested is even more life-changing.. Non-U.S. citizens with criminal charges have to worry about their future in the United States, on top…

  • What Happens To Non-U.S. Citizens Who Get A DUI Charge?

    What Happens To Non-U.S. Citizens Who Get A DUI Charge?

    Getting pulled over by the police is always a nerve-wracking and intense experience. When it involves an allegation of driving under the influence (DUI) – that encounter could affect your career, your finances, and your relationships. Everyone knows the consequences for driving under the influence are severe. For non-U.S. citizens, however, the experience is exponentially…

  • How Does Access To Legal Representation Affect Immigration Court?

    How Does Access To Legal Representation Affect Immigration Court?

    Imagine for a moment that you are an immigrant in the United States without legal status. You are driving down the road one day and the police pull you over. You start to panic because you don’t have a license and you know the police will realize you do not have proper documentation. You get…

  • Can a non-U.S. citizen be deported for driving without a license?

    Can a non-U.S. citizen be deported for driving without a license?

    Can a non-U.S. citizen be deported for driving without a license? Georgia Immigration Defense Attorney Our team of attorneys strategically fights your criminal case + protects your immigration status at the same time! Call now 404-418-4691 Technically, a driving without a license conviction by itself it not an offense you would be deported for. A…

  • Can Green Card Holders Be Deported?

    Can Green Card Holders Be Deported?

    Can Green Card Holders Be Deported? Georgia Immigration Defense Attorney Our team of attorneys strategically fights your criminal case + protects your immigration status at the same time! Call now 404-418-4691 Deportation is one of the most common immigration proceedings that non-citizens can face. Illegal immigrants can be deported (removed) when they no longer have…

  • Who Can Immigration Authorities Deport?

    Who Can Immigration Authorities Deport?

    Immigration authorities have the right to remove individuals from the country for many reasons. Committing illegal acts and making false claims are common factors that lead to the deportation of immigrants. But other causes aren’t so obvious if you’re not familiar with immigration laws. Knowing what type of person the immigration authorities can deport is…

  • Changes in Immigration Enforcement Policy: How to Fight

    Changes in Immigration Enforcement Policy: How to Fight

    Changes in immigration enforcement policy now call for ICE enforcement against anyone who is unlawfully in the United States. During President Obama’s administration, ICE focused its resources only on removing people with certain types of criminal convictions. If you did not fit into that category, ICE would not bother you. However, things are very different…

  • Exploiting the Myth of the Criminal Alien

    Exploiting the Myth of the Criminal Alien

      Contributions by Xavier Torres de Janon, Legal Assistant for STERN Law In one of the most recent examples of immigrant vilification, presidential candidate Donald Trump intended to instill fear of the “criminal alien” by exploiting a group called, “Angel Moms.” These women have sadly lost their children to violent acts of crime. They have…