Comfort and Obinna are husband and wife, both originally from the same village in Nigeria. Their love story is like many others, but with borders between them, they had unique challenges to overcome in order to be together. Both were in their retirement years when they decided to give their relationship a try, even though they were oceans apart. Comfort was in the United States, and Obinna was in Nigeria. Fortunately for them, STERN Law was there to help them be together, but it wasn’t easy. On top of the normal challenges involved in status adjustment for spouses, Comfort and Obinna were challenged with a travel ban on his trip to the U.S. But Comfort reached out to STERN Law for help, and we are now pleased to share their success story with you. We were not going to let a travel ban stand in the way of true love.
Comfort and Obina started their long-distance relationship in 2007. They built their relationship, as many long distance couples do, through phone calls, Facebook chats, and in-person visits. Comfort visited Nigeria as often as she could to spend time with Obinna. Their efforts helped them keep their relationship strong. In 2016, they decided to get married. This was a big step for the couple, but they knew they needed to find a way to actually live together as a couple. Obinna had never been to the U.S. before, but they both agreed this was the best place for them to start their new life as husband and wife.
Oceans Apart
Soon after getting married in Nigeria, Comfort came back home to the U.S., and she realized that she couldn’t continue to live by herself. In addition to missing her husband, she started to have some health issues, which made it much more urgent to have her companion by her side. It was tough for Obinna because he could not travel to the U.S. legally, to help her.
They began the immigration process with a sense of urgency, with no idea about the obstacles they would face. They just knew that this was the path they needed to take in order to be together. A friend of the couple recommended STERN Law as a trusted law firm. They were skeptical in the beginning because they have seen so many people with similar circumstances, wait for years with little or no progress to their case, or only to be disappointed by a negative outcome.
Nevertheless, STERN Law provided them with the reassurance that they would do everything they could to help them, right from the start. Once we met for the first time, they knew STERN Law was the right law firm for them. Comfort recalls her experience, “I was so worried about finding the right attorney, but Jessica and her team are wonderful. They went the extra mile. They were always calling us, sending us emails, and making sure things were ready for this process to happen as quickly as possible. They care about us being together. I have never met an attorney who actually cares for their clients as Jessica and her team do”.
Having a strong support system is so fundamental during any immigration process. Thankfully, Comfort had the support of her good friend Denise, who worked with the STERN Law team to make sure Comfort and Obinna had all their documentation ready, and she helped them every step of the process. Comfort thinks that having Denise by her side and STERN Law’s experience and dedication was the perfect combination for success.
Facing Unexpected Challenges – A Travel Ban
However, just when things seem to be going smoothly, and everything was ready for Obinna to travel to the U.S., the couple faced an unexpected challenge. The Trump administration expanded the travel ban and included Nigeria as one of the countries with travel restrictions, making it illegal for Obinna to travel to the United States. But the team at STERN Law was quick to react and committed to making sure Obinna could travel to the U.S. before the ban took effect. Our team stayed on top of every development and talked to Obinna and Comfort regularly about the importance of working around the upcoming deadline for travel restrictions. Thankfully, they trusted our team, followed our recommendations, and avoided being separated by the travel ban indefinitely. Now Comfort and Obinna are here together.
For Obinna, the journey to the U.S. has been a unique experience. What he loves the most is finally being united with his wife. He feels proud of the challenges he overcame by working closely with STERN Law. We are proud to have been able to work with him and his wife to ensure that neither the ocean nor travel ban could keep them apart.
Cheers to Comfort and Obinna’s new life together!
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