How Productive was your Lawyer during COVID?

How Productive was your Lawyer during COVID?

Government’s Stagnation (b/c of COVID, etc) Does Not Have to Delay your Future

An Inaccurate Portrait of the Pandemic

There comes a time when a widespread belief is so common that it appears to be true. During the pandemic, people believed that everything was being put on hold. This applied to judges, courts, and non-U.S. citizens. At STERN Law, we didn’t adopt that belief. We are a mission-driven firm, and we communicated that to the government agency and opposing counsel. 

Though they might have told us “no,” or “not now,” we didn’t accept that. One of our core values is not taking “no” for an answer because you deserve more than that from your legal advocate. If you trusted us to share what concerns kept you awake at night, our role is to give the solution you needed during your most challenging moments. Here are some of our results-driven statistics that demonstrate how committed we were to our clients when the world said it was shut down. Since COVID began in 2020, we’ve brought forward a resolution in 543 client matters.

For our non-Citizen clients in active criminal matters:

  • 95% success rate (which means dismissal, reduction in charges, or otherwise avoiding negative Immigration consequences)
  • 36% of these matters were outright dismissed with no charges against our clients

For our non-Citizen clients with criminal investigations against them before arrest:

  • 85% of these situations resulted in NO charges filed against the client (no arrest and no charges)!

For our clients in Immigration application cases that result in an Immigration Benefit:

  • 97% success rate in approval of the immigration benefit

For our clients who were facing deportation:

  • We secured a complete dismissal of deportation for over 22 clients!
  • 11 were released back to their family on immigration bonds
  • We succeeded in an appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) in a client’s matter
  • We won 2 deportation trials which protected a client’s green card and canceled the deportation
  • 84% Overall success rate in deportation courts in 2021

For our non-Citizen clients who required an appeal of a criminal conviction to protect immigration status:

  • 85% success rate (resulting in conviction erased or modified to prevent immigration consequences)


While it can be comfortable to fall into the pattern of what the world seems to be telling you at the moment, complacency with status quo isn’t going to get the results you need and deserve. Our first conversation should not be delayed. Though you may not have a court date or have something scheduled with a government agency at this moment, allow your attorney to utilize this time appropriately. There is no better time than right now. Contact STERN Law, LLC, to schedule a consultation.


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