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How Employment Verification Could Impact Your Immigration Status

Employment plays a significant role in immigration cases. United States immigration laws maintain the security of its citizens and can have lasting impacts on the nation’s economy.

Verifying the employment of immigrants is an essential part of the work done by the agencies that regulate immigration. Enforcing employment laws is another way for immigration officials to reduce the amount of illegal immigration that occurs each year.

Knowing how employment verification can impact your immigration case is a critical part of protecting your status and the wellbeing your family.

Employment Verification in Business
Businesses must follow specific rules when hiring workers who aren’t U.S. citizens. Immigrant employees must provide valid authorization allowing them to be employed in the U.S.

The Employment Eligibility Verification system helps employers avoid issues that can arise related to immigrant employees. Through this system, businesses verify the eligibility of an individual and maintain proof for future documentation.

Immigrant employees must submit employment authorization documents in order to be hired. Form I-9 includes information related to the documents that are legally acceptable.

Common Immigration Issues Related to Employment
Employment verification plays a crucial role in cases that involve immigrants who are entering the U.S. for employment purposes. Failing to provide the required verification can lead to delays and other issues.

Immigrants moving to the U.S. for employment, regardless of duration, must present an employment verification letter to immigration officials.

The employment verification letter demonstrates that an individual has the skills required to be employed. It should include information related to the dates of your employment period, your employer, salary, and contact information.

Additional documentation may also be required, and your immigration attorney can help you make sure that you provide complete and accurate information.

Legal Protection and Employer Compliance
In order to protect your legal status in the U.S., it’s important to understand employment verification rules and what you can do to ensure that you provide the information needed for your immigration case.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed in order to establish rules that hold employers accountable when hiring immigrants and nonimmigrants alike. Hiring unauthorized employees can result in civil and criminal penalties for today’s businesses.
Your employer is required to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9. This process helps employers hire authorized workers while allowing the U.S. government to oversee the hiring process.

Employers must complete Form I-9 within the first three business days of employment. This form is kept on file by the business throughout the duration of a person’s employment.

More importantly, the form must be kept on file for a minimum of three years after the hire date and one year after the end of employment in cases where immigrant workers are no longer employed by a company.

Therefore, your previous employer should be able to present employment verification if requested to do so within this time period.

If you’re facing an immigration issue that requires employment verification, working with an immigration law attorney helps you obtain the information you need to protect your rights.

In addition, consulting with a legal professional helps you address changes in regulations and navigate the complexities related to obtaining and submitting the proper employment documentation.

Failing to provide employment verification can create more severe and costly issues when facing potential legal action in immigration courts.

Employment verification protects employers and the immigrant workers they hire. Understanding the requirements of verification along with your rights under immigration law gives you the resources you need to protect your status and secure your future in the U.S.


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